My Story


I'm Jessica, a mid twenties mama to twin baby boys Henry and Hugo and Journalism graduate trying to figure out my next move. This blog is a way of me sharing my experience on becoming a first time mummy to twins. 

I have decided to expand into the world of blogging again after having my boys as reading other twin mummy's blogs when I was expecting was very comforting and I loved hearing about other mum's experiences and recommendations.


10 Random facts about me

I’m a perfectionist and have to do certain everyday tasks in an exact order 
My diet is horrendous – I could easily live off Nutella and sweet popcorn
I’m not a morning person
I can justify spending a lot $$$$ on a handbag
I'm terrified of permanently colouring my hair
I’m scared of the dark
My dream job is to work at a fashion/beauty magazine
I am Harry Potter & Gossip Girl's number 1 fan
I believe in karma
My babies, husband and family make me a very happy lady 

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